Our Chefs

Eric Garciya

Eric Garciya

Senior Chef

Pitter Fread

Pitter Fread

Senior Chef

Ah Kum Lam

Ah Kum Lam

Senior Chef

Isavella Jessy

Isavella Jessy

Senior Chef

Eric Garciya

Eric Garciya

Senior Chef

Pitter Fread

Pitter Fread

Senior Chef

Isavella Jessy

Isavella Jessy

Senior Chef

Eric Garciya

Eric Garciya

Senior Chef

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"AWSECommerceService", "Operation" => "ItemSearch", "AWSAccessKeyId" => "your-access-key", "AssociateTag" => "your-associate-tag", "SearchIndex" => "Electronics", "Keywords" => "best mobile phones", "Sort" => "salesrank", "ResponseGroup" => "Images,ItemAttributes,Offers", "ItemPage" => 1 ); // Set current timestamp if not set if (!isset($params["Timestamp"])) { $params["Timestamp"] = gmdate('Y-m-d\TH:i:s\Z'); } // Sort the parameters by key ksort($params); $pairs = array(); foreach ($params as $key => $value) { array_push($pairs, rawurlencode($key)."=".rawurlencode($value)); } // Generate the canonical query $canonical_query_string = join("&", $pairs); // Generate the string to be signed $string_to_sign = "GET\n".$host."\n".$uri."\n".$canonical_query_string; // Generate the signature required by the Product Advertising API $signature = base64_encode(hash_hmac("sha256", $string_to_sign, $secret_key, true)); // Generate the signed URL $request_url = 'http://'.$host.$uri.'?'.$canonical_query_string.'&Signature='.rawurlencode($signature); $response = file_get_contents($request_url); $parsed_xml = simplexml_load_string($response); echo "
"; foreach ($parsed_xml->Items->Item as $item) { echo "
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